Friday, May 31, 2013

More baby stuff!

    One of the greatest joys I have right now in my life is being able to watch George and Gracie raising their family.  I get such a wonderful feeling of happiness whenever I see them or hear them.  Being allowed to be in there flock is amazing.  Yes I'm the outsider, but they still look for me and talk to me whenever I'm around.  I think of myself as the distant Aunt they love to visit every once in a while.  George still talks to me all the time and most times comes looking for me.  Gracie has, WOW, changed a lot since this summer.  She is staying in the tree now when I come up to the feeding station.  She is still very very cautious, but if the energy is right and I don't have Deegan with me then everything is grand!.
     Thursday was an interesting day.  I got to watch Gracie a lot and I also got to watch the babies really work their wings for the past couple of days.  I also got some video of the babies and Gracie in flight.  They are very acrobatic right now.  They have gotten so much better now that they have gotten bigger.  Here are some new photos.

As you can see the babies are on the log and if you look closely you can see Gracie right above them on the stump.  From what I can gather from left to right is Angel, Demon and Runt.  Demon is fearless and is very attached to his daddy.  Here is a photo of Demon in flight.
This next photo is Demon at the top of the birch tree watching daddy get some food.  It wasn't until Tuesday that George and Gracie have started bringing the babies to the feeding station.  
Later that afternoon I got some video of kids and Gracie in flight.  They flew over my head talking to me the whole time.  The one that you hear in the video the most is Demon.  He not only talks to me when he sees me, but he also was looking for George who happened to be in one of the trees close by.  I didn't get video of him in flight, BUT I did get this photo of him flying after his family and he talked to me on the way by.  You will see that is beak is partically open.  Just at the moment he was talking to me and you can also see that his eye is trained on me.  Neat isn't it?!
Another thing I noticed was whenever Demon got to talking to much it seems like George was reprimanding  him.  Because when George spoke to Demon it sounded like SHUT UP!!!!  Hahaha!!!  Below is the video of the kids flying around.  Enjoy!  I'm sure that I will have more in the future!  Thanks for stopping by George: The Old Silo Raven! George and I appreciate it!

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