Friday, May 31, 2013

Busy day for the Ravens!

     Even though I had one of the busiest and most difficult days yesterday I still managed to get some great pics and observe George and his family.  Yesterday morning on the way to the farm I got to the top of the hill.  At the top of the hill on the Old Silo Road you can see the farm from the road.  There is about 25 acres there so the road goes next to the pastures really well and you can see all of our critters from there!  Well when I got to the top I started to slow down.  I had plenty of time before I had to actually be there.  I slowly made my way down the road and looked into the field and saw Gracie and George sitting on the fence posts!
George is on the left and Gracie is on the right.
So I stopped and pulled over.  Because where they are the babies are very close by!  And they didn't disappoint.  This next couple of photos told me a lot about George and Gracie and how ravens teach their young.  AND I made a brand new discovery.  Not only did I learn how ravens teach their young about food I found that we have THREE babies and not two.  I was so surprised!!!  And if you can see the photo up close you can count bodies!!!

How they got to this point was amazing!  George apparently had a big piece of suet.  The babies were making all kinds of noise.  I will try to record them so you can hear what we have to listen to on a daily basis!  
George jumped down onto the ground and Gracie followed suit.  Then like a flash three babies landed in front of them in a half circle and began begging for food.  They would try get the food away from George, but Gracie would intervene and George would peck at and move it around. He was clearly trying to teach them something.  Every time he broke a piece off all three would squat down, spread their wings and make all sorts of racket!!!  I named the little one Runt.  He is so much smaller than his siblings.  They stayed like this for a few minutes.  Something spooked them in the woods and I got photos of two of the babies flying away.  Its great fun watching them deal with the wind currents.  They are struggling right now, but soon they will be doing all sorts of turns and twrills!!! 
The one of the left is Demon and the other one is the middle child.
It was really foggy yesterday morning that is why the photos are so dusky looking.  Also these photos are cropped so you could get a better look.  I'm planning on getting a camera with a better zoom for Christmas this year.  Debating on what to get, but something more wildlife friendly.  
I also got some video of Gracie in action!  Yesterday I fed them ham, suet, hot dogs, hamburger rolls, and of course their eggs.  Since we found out they have three babies we have increased their eggs by one or two.
And the suet I gave them this morning was after I watched them in the field, so the food that George had was from one of his stashes.  So that may be what George was trying to teach them.  
Below is one of the photos that I took of Gracie yesterday morning.
And this is her taking one of the eggs!
I'm just waiting for the video to upload so I trying to remember everything that happened yesterday.  OH! I just remembered one more thing that happened yesterday!!!  We had gone out to dinner, Kathy and I, we brought home some french fries, a part of a hot turkey sandwich and a little bit of mash potato.  Kathy and I were in the barn tending to our sick horse Peaches when George did a fly by and called to us!  He saw that there was food on the roof!  He loves his french fries!!!  I wonder if he will share with the babies or if he will keep his chocolate to himself!!  Hahaha!
So that is all that happened yesterday with the raven family!  Still waiting for the video to load.  

Finally!  Here is the video.  Please forgive the poor quality. I was shooting through a window, but you will get the jest of it.
Thank you for stopping by George: The Old Silo Raven! George and I appreciate it!

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