Monday, May 27, 2013


     I'm so excited!!!  I got baby pictures today!  Not just one, but a couple!!!!  AND George and Gracie have 2 babies not 1!!!!  I have been jumping for joy all day.  I couldn't wait to get my day done so I could share baby pictures with you all!
     How I found them this morning was very very easy.  The two young ones are extremely noisy right now.  I had a blast watching them fly around trying to find mom and dad.  Talking frantically with each other.  One is definitely bigger than the other.  And I really can't believe how big they are compared to George and Gracie.
     I walked around the farm today doing chores when I heard the babies making all sorts of racket.  I covered my eyes and looked out into the pasture and I spotted all four of them in a tree!  My heart stopped. Then all of a sudden they flew off and flew around and around.  George and Gracie did fly bys to see if I had put food out there this morning which I did of course.  After a half an hour of listening to them move in huge circle around the farm they showed up again in the tree that I originally saw them in.  I walked to the truck, cursing myself with each step BECAUSE I forgot my camera.  I thought for sure I was going to miss them.  I hightailed it back to the pasture and sure enough they were still there!  I walked out as far as I dared to and this is what I got.  It was really foggy this morning.  George and Gracie on are the left and the babies on the right!!!
There they are!!!!
I'm such a proud Auntie!!!!!  Wow are they noisy!  I think they talk louder than Squeak and Squawk from last year.  I think I will call the louder of the two Demon cause he doesn't talk like a raven yet.  He screeches and screams like a demon.  I haven't decided what to call the other one yet, but I can't wait to watch them more.
They keep close to the barn and have a huge circle surrounding the farm.  They don't go back to the nest hardly at all anymore.  So I'm wondering if they are roosting somewhere else or if they just go to the nest at night.
A couple of other things happened again today which was surprising.  We were almost ready to leave to go to the other farm when I  kept hearing George talk over and over and over again.  Then he started using his voice that he uses to get my attention.  I knew then that something wasn't quite right.  
I walked up the driveway with my camera in hand in case babies were about and I took my daughter and her friend with me to the upper cow pasture.  That is where George was making all the racket.  It took my a few minutes, but I found George!
He was way up in this massive pine tree.  He keep talking and when he saw me he kept going on and on.  I tried to tell him it was alright.  Then I noticed that he looked down.  I could only see him from the camera lens because he was so far away.  Once I realized he was looking down this is what he was trying to tell me.
That's right!!!  We had a fox in our cow pasture!  Isn't she beautiful!  She was looking for a den I think!  She looks as though she might be pregnant.  George was having such a fit about that fox being there.  I finally shooed her off and George immediately calmed down.  So the danger had passed.
George is extremely protective with his babies.  This is the only time of the year that I can't get really close to him.  Which I don't mind at all.  The more ravens we have the better.  
After I chased the fox away we left to go to the other farm.  We stayed up there all day.  We got home around 4pm.  When we parked the truck and got out I went to my truck and I heard the babies carrying on. This is what I saw.
That is George on the right and one of the babies on the left.  George was out in the upper cow pasture teaching the babies how to hunt for bugs and worms!  
George on the left and baby on the right.  George at this point has seen me, but I wasn't a threat because I was so far away.  These photos are also cropped that is why they are a little fuzzy.
George again on the left and baby on the right.  I wasn't sure which baby this was until.
George and baby flew off into the trees.  I found that the one with him at that point was Demon.  And this next one is Demon by himself.
He was just sitting on that branch talking away.  His little brother/sister was making some noise too, but Demon sure has his sibling beat!
This is so exciting for me.  Just the fact that I have something wonderful to look forward to every single morning.  Yes, it is in the form of a bird, but they sure do bring a smile to my face.  If the weather is nice tomorrow we may be going riding.  I wonder if George will follow us with the babies in tow or not?
Thanks for stopping by George: The Old Silo Raven!  George and I appreciate it!

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